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What is Lip Blushing?

Lip blushing is a form of semi-permanent makeup. Essentially, it is a cosmetic tattoo of the lips that enhances the beauty of the natural lip color, improving the shape of the lips, giving definition and the illusion of fullness

This treatment delivers very natural results, once healed. Filler is great for creating volume in your lips, but lip blush delivers a more natural look and give the illusion of fuller lips.

How it works?

A tiny mechanized needle deposits pigment into the lips, which builds layers of color.  Lip Blushing can be a corrective service to help even out the tone of the lips, but it can also help with asymmetry. The procedure is usually 2-3 hours. You will need to come back 6 weeks later for a touch up session


What to do before your appointment?

 to ensure that your skin is in the best condition as possible for the procedure, treatments such as lip injections and chemical peels need to be done at least four weeks before your appointment.  Avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and exercise the day of the procedure is also key for prep.

How your Lip Blush will heal?

Days 1-2: You love your new lip color!

Your lip color will appear brighter than it will heal. Your lips will also feel swollen and tender. Your color will begin to darken temporarily throughout the day as the pigment oxidizes.

Days 3-14: Swelling will have finished.

Your lips will feel dry and start the flaking process. Allow shedding to happen naturally. As your lips flake, it will appear that your lip color is very light and "frosty". This is only temporary as you are still healing. Over the next several days your lip color will reappear until it fully blooms.

Days 28-42: It’s time for your follow up.

By this time your lips are fully healed and it’s recommended that you come back in to touch up any color that might have healed too light or at all imperfectly. Applying a second layer of new color will build off of your previous color, creating a more saturated and longer-lasting lip. During this appointment, you also have the opportunity to further adjust the shape if desired.

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